Cape Cod Birds
Photos of Cape Cod birds: Piping Plover, Willet, Red Tailed Hawk, Herring Gull, American Robin, Laughing Gull.

"Piping Plover" breeding. Wellfleet, MA, Great Island. June 7. 2013. Piping Plovers declining species of coastal dunes and beaches.

"Willet" First Encounter - Hatch beach, Eastham, Massachusetts. June. 8. 2013. Willet is large gray sandpiper of coastal salt marshes.
Its varied repetitive calls are loud and shrill: kip, kip, kip, or wee, wee, wee. :)

"Red Tailed Hawk". Cape Cod National Seashore. Eastham, Fort Hill. January. 11. 2013. Red Tailed hawk a winter visitor to prairies, marshes.

"Herring Gull". Cape Cod, Chatham MA. December 2009. During winter Herring Gulls gather near harbors, beaches.

"American Robin" male. Wellfleet, Cape Cod, Bound Brook Island. January. 10. 2013. American Robins common in open woodlands, forest clearings, and pastures.

"Laughing Gull" May. 26. 2011 Great Island, Wellfleet. Laughing gulls very common on beaches, salt marshes, and estuaries.
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